In Teodoro Agoncilio's: The History of the Filipino People you will find the term Mahadlika. Mahadlika is described as a Free people, not to be confused with Maharlika who are nobles.
Surprisingly Despite the fact that the Book above is the STANDARD history book in colleges I've never encountered anyone who knew the word immediately when I mentioned it.
What is the Mahadlika RPG? It is a game setting based on 19th century Phlippines. The Mahadlika RPG draws its cast, theme, and challenges from Spanish ruled Philippines, with the only difference is that names of families, institutions and peoples have been changed to put some distance from history and focus on the fact that this is all a GAME.
Back when I had my website up this was the spiel (2003):
Below is the Setting Primer and Mythos (2003).
All are under copyprotection.
Mahadlika is a role-playing game that lets players enter the setting in Ma’ai, a land ravaged by Politics and Power struggles. It is a land, layered in intrigue, as deception threatens to destroy its people great heritage. Amidst the shadows of strife, fallen gods rise to seek retribution, an unearthly army has come to conquer the night, and its people on the brink of a revolution against their oppressive masters.
Mahadlika: The People under Heaven
Mahadlika is about a land in the brink of a revolution. It is a place whose people struggle under the yoke of an oppressive conqueror as its heritage and past is torn apart and burned by those who claim to be their savior.
Ma’ai is an archipelago that became the refuge of the 10 lords of Kalim (the 10 Datus of kalim in native). These men sought peace, equality and escape from the tyrannical monarch of their homeland. In exile, they took with them their traditions, knowledge and ancient gods. In this new land they began anew to carve a peaceful and altruistic way of life.
The Ten Datu (Lords): Puti (White), Bangkaya , Dumaglugdog, Sumakwel, Lubay, Paiburong, Dumangsil, Balensusa, Paduhinog, and Dumangsol came and settled in various parts of the Archipelago. With them came their Ten gods: Bathala (The All Father), Siginarugan (Warden of Hell), Sidapa (Mortality), Mandaragan (War), Agni (Fire and Iron), Balangaw (Inspiration and magic), Magwayan (Mistress of the spirit world), Lalahon (Rain and Harvest), Idiyanale (Nature), and Diyan Mansala (love and peace). They called themselves mahadlika or freemen. They were a people who strove for harmony with nature and each other.
As a gift to the fledgling nation, Bathala gave great wisdom to these Ten Datu. These Lords understood that the peace and goodness they have sought must be safeguarded. So the Datu found and trained men and women who will protect and serve the people selflessly. In the crisis to come these men and women will be known as the Bagani and the Babaylan.
In the first war of the tribes, kingdoms rose and gods came down onto the earth to join their followers and to advance their own goals. All the gods participated in the war, except for Diyan Mansala who sought to end it. She taught the first Babaylan. She trained her in how to communicate divine wisdom, see into the desires of others as well forge pacts that even gods must heed.
Father Bathala also intervened. Bathala taught the first Bagani how to be fair and just, the value of freedom and truth, and to protect the defenseless. Siginrugan, in Bathala’s bidding, taught to them the ceaseless vigilance and divine martial skills, while Sidapa taught them the secrets of defending the life of others.
Together with sword and compassion, the Bagani and Babaylan forged peace into the land and entered a new era of prosperity. The Bagani and the Babaylan were there to guide with both heart and mind so that bloodshed would end. The tribal wars ended when the last warring god was imprisoned. Great prosperity followed and Ma’ai found a great peace to grow and flourish.
This was until the arrival of the Imperials. Under the flag of a conqueror from the west, they called the land "Kings Isles" and sought to conquer all those who opposed under sword and holy word. There came a second tribal war, and the Bagani and Babaylan came to their duties only to find bloodshed that would not end. The Imperial army was superior in weapons, armor and number while the Bagani were few but fierce. The Imperials brought with them god killers: the Exelciadores who had the power to slay gods as they did in all the lands that came before them. There were those of Ma’ai who sought their own power aided the Imperials. Together they made an unstoppable force. Hoping for peace, the Babaylan asked for a chance to end the bloodshed. The Exelciadores relented only long enough to defile the companions of peace, and ravaged them before the pact of goddess was formed.
It was a pact that the conquerors would keep the peace and rule Ma’ai protecting her people, lest the wrath of all the gods they have slain will come for their souls. The Exelciadores laughed and agreed to what seemed to be a harmless pact. They agreed to the terms of the Babaylan and said "May the blood of the Trinity spill with the blood of your people." if we break our word, they promised.
After the negotiation, the Datu surrendered. True to their word they will accept Imperia as their own masters and cast away the gods that have been slain for them for the salvation of the Exellcia. In time, the land became the dumping ground for those who are too ambitious for Imperia and criminals. As time passed, the land grew twisted and wretched. The Politics of the Exellcia and Merchant Governors wracked the land with misery and suffering. The people cried out, but the word had already been given, that there is peace in suffering within the coils of a tightening serpent. It was a peace only the rich and the powerful enjoyed.
Ma’ai has changed drastically; where there were once wooden palisades and a contented people, now are vast Haciendas (Salve owned lands) and Plantations owned by the Elite and wealthy. Merchant Governors wield absolute power over their given regions; they are the chief justice, the monopoly as well as the commanders of their personal armies.
Powerful families have entrenched their control over the land. Their ambitions bring them into power struggles between other families. The Exellcia of Ma’ai has grown heavy with the number of the Faithless. The Faithless, are Salve that use their sacred duty to earn them power and wealth to equal the nobility of Imperia. The peasants are caught in the middle, suffering every injustice on all sides.
Beneath the surface of the struggle, here is a war brewing in the night. Someone is raising an unearthly army using the secrets of the Exellcia, an ancient darkness have come to life seeking to annihilation, and a pact is broken bringing down a vengeful curse.
The cry of the innocent has gone on for too long. Their gods were slain and all they have is the peace of the savior. Their savior heard their cries, three native salves of great talent and ability began to bring change to Ma’ai. Their efforts having lightened the heavy hand of the oppressors and held true the teachings of the Exellcia. They were known as the three saviors, three persons like the first savior. But, their actions were not tolerated, without fear of divine retribution they were convicted in a mock trial and murdered as a public execution.
As they bled and their blood soaked the earth, the wind blew from the west. As a blood red sun sank a ship arrived on that very day. What stepped on the soil of Ma’ai has come to answer the call of heaven.
Enters Samiel, The devil.
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